Karolina Breguła (born 1979) is a visual artist and filmmaker. She creates stories about art, architecture and urban spaces, which are a field of her anthropological and sociological observations. She is interested in storytelling – the roles of retelling memories, the favourable and detrimental effect of fiction, the remedial and destructive force of imagination. She considers collaborative fiction writing a political activity which supports the process of diagnosing, expressing and discussing social problems. Many of her works are co-created with their protagonists and participants. Her works have been exhibited at institutions such as the Jewish Museum in New York, Museum of Contemporary Art MOCA Taipei and at international events such as Venice Art Biennale and Singapore Biennale. She is the winner of the Views Deutsche Bank Foundation Award, the Samsung Art Master, the EMAF award, Golden Claw at the Gdynia Film Festival among others. Her works are included in collections such as Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Wroclaw Contemporary Museum and ING Polish Art Foundation. She is an associate professor at the Academy of Art in Szczecin, she collaborates with lokal_30 Gallery. Since autumn 2023, together with Weronika Fibich, she has been running Lokatorne – Space for Antidisciplinary Activities. Karolina works between Poland and Taiwan.


2020               Habilitation, University of the Arts in Poznań, Poland
2011 – 2015
   PhD, Doctoral Studies, National Film Television and Theatre School, Łódź, Poland
2005 – 2010   MA, National Film Television and Theatre School, Łódź, Poland
2002 – 2004   European Academy of Photography, Warsaw, Poland
2000 – 2002   Photography school GFU, Folkuniversitetet, Stockholm, Sweden


2024   The Waves Are Rumbling So Loud in Losing,Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art, Oldenburg, Germany
Exercises in Losing Control, Ypsilon, PhotoBiennial, Thessaloniki, Greece
2022   Exercises in Losing Control, Galeria Miejska Arsenał, Poznań, Poland
Dust, lokal_30 Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
Square, Królikarnia Museum of Sculpture, Warsaw, Poland
2017   Square, Fotoaura Institute of Photography, Tainan, Taiwan 

2017   Photophobia, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, Poland
Unusefulness, Galeria Entropia, Wrocław, Poland
2017   I don’t Cry Over Sculptures, Upper Ray Galler, Treasure Hill, Taipei, Taiwan
Office for Monument Construction, Market Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland
Renovation, a word disgusting like a cokroach, Arsenał Gallery, Białystok, Poland
2015   I don’t Cry Over Sculptures, lokal_30 Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
Stories, Polish Institute Gallery, Berlin, Germany
The Soup, AC Institute, New York, USA
2014   Progress, Eastwards Prospectus, Bucharest, Romania
The Tower, Warsaw Chamber Opera, Warszawa, Poland (opera performance)
Leaving, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
2013   The Centre of Everything, Atlas Sztuki, Łódź, Poland
2013   Uprooted, BWA, Katowice, Poland
2013   Strange works, Zachęta National Gallery, Warsaw, Poland (performative lectures)
2012   Spacial forms in the face of the disaster, EL Gallery, Elbląg, Poland (performative science conference)
2011   Corrective photographs,Galeria Archeologia Fotografii, Warsaw, Poland
2011   Wschodnia Gallery Archive Reconstruction, Galeria Wschodnia, Łódź, Poland
Art Lover, Centre for Contemporary Art Łaźnia, Gdańsk, Poland (happening and a solo presentation of one work)
2011   Useful Art: Richard Long – A line made by walking,  No Women No Art public space art festival, Poznań, Poland
2011   Explaining the Art Exhibition, a series of events at art institutions including Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle (Warsaw), Centre of Contemporary Art Łaźnia (Gdańsk), Zachęta National Gallery (Warsaw)
2010   Good Neighbours, Galeria Szara, Cieszyn, Poland
2008   Artistic emergency service, Galeria XS, Kielce, Poland
2007   Lovebook, Galeria 65, Warsaw, Poland
2007   The married women (with Ola Buczkowska) & Video camera Galeria Nowych Mediów, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland
2006   All I see is the palace, Polish culture days, Uppsala, Sweden
2006   All I see is the palace, Desigh Hu, Budapest, Hungary
2006   The married women, (with Ola Buczkowska), Galeria Program, Warsaw, Poland
2005   All I see is the palace, Galeria Jubileuszowa Pałacu Kultury i Nauki, Warsaw, Poland
2005   Let them see us, Landtag, Stadt- und Landesbibliothek, Potsdam, Germany
2004   Let them see us, Goethe Institute, Bucharest, Romania
2003   Let them see us, Galeria Burzym & Wolff, Cracow, Poland
2003   Let them see us, Galeria Towarzystwa Sztuk Pięknych Pałacyk, Warsaw, Poland


2023   Baltic Sea Biennale. The Democratic Space, Kunsthalle Rostock, Rostock, Germany
The Cold Days are Over, Warsaw Under Construction festival, Muzeum Woli, Warsaw, Poland
Listening to the Overtones of Fissures, National Human Rights Museum, Green Island, Taiwan
Sleepless in Warsaw, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, USA
2022   Au-delà, Schwarz Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
Iluminacje, Light Festival, Szczecin, Poland
Amongst the Silence, Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 
2021   Citizens in the Shade, Aliens in the Sun: Trade, Vernacular Institute, Mexico City, Mexico 
Whatever You Come up About Yourself, Trafo Gallery, Szczecin, Poland
Digital Cultures, Adam Mickiewicz Institute online exhibition, Poland
Re-visiting Landscape, Chiayi Art Museum, Chiayi, Taiwan
Die Sonne does not Shine the Same as Słońce, Trafo Gallery, Szczecin, Poland
 Private Mythologies Cultures, Wrocław Contemporary Museum, Wrocław, Poland
2020   Aftersounds, Austrian Cultural Forum, Warsaw, Poland
Her Own Way, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Every Step in the Right Direction, Singapore Biennial, Singapore
Freie Meinung in Zeiten des Populismus, Soho Ottakring, Vienna, Austria
2019   Three Plagues, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, Poland
2019   Celebration, Kyoto Art Centre, Kyoto, Japan
Living Sound – Expanding the Extramusical, MOCA Taipei, Taiwan
2019   Madou Sugar Industry Triennial, Tainan, Taiwan
Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Exit from the Center, Arsenał Gallery, Białystok, Poland
Tatsuno Art Project in Kraków, Manggha Museum, Cracow, Poland
Kościotrupy muszą wstawać, Gdańska Galeria Miejska, Gdańsk, Poland
Prêt-à-Porter, lokal_30 Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2017   Communicating Vessels, Bunkier sztuki, Kraków, Poland
Šestsil, Miejsce Projektów Zachęty, Warsaw, Poland
2017   Late Polishess, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
2017   The Past is a Foreign Country, Centrum Działań Kreatywnych, Ustka, Poland
2017   The Best Gallery. New works in the Collection, Zachęta National Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2017   Nothing About You Without Us, Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw, Poland
2017   Do or Die, Lokal_30 Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2017   Tatsuno Art Project, Tatsuno, Japan 
2016   It happened tomorrow, Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, Serbia
2016   Escape from the „Liberty” Cinema, Galerie im Saalbau, Berlin, Germany
2016   Lux, Archeology of Photography Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2016   Borders of the Gesture, Academy of Fine Arts, Leipzig, Germany
2016   After the Rally, Studio Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2016   Common Affairs, DB Kunsthalle, Berlin, Germany
2016   Alternativa, Uszczerbki i straty, Gdańsk, Centrum Sztuki Wyspa, Poland
2016   Zaczyn, Szara Gallery, Katowice, Poland
2016   De-Mo-Cra-Cy, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, Poland
2016   Ordets Akt, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
2016   F.Y.I., Galeria TAV, Taipei, Taiwan
2016   Nowe ilustracje, Galeria Arsenał, Białystok, Poland
2015   The 19th Contemporary Art Festival Sesc Videobrasil, Sao Paulo, Brasil
2015   Myth, Europe House Georgia, Tibilisi, Georgia
2015   Peekskill Project 6, Hudson Valley Centre for Contemporary Art, USA
2015   Videonale, Kunstmuseum, Bonn, Germany
2015   We are here, BWA, Zielona Góra, Poland
2015   Bistro Wisła (happening in frames of Warsaw Resort exhibition), Warsaw, Poland
2014   Sights and Sounds, Jewish Museum, New York, USA
2014   Raptures nad Convergences, Galeria Kuad, Istambul, Turkey
2014   Deliberations on Economics Cooked Up In the Back Room. 30 Years of Wschodnia Gallery, Museum of Art, Łódź, Poland
2014   GoEast, Wiesbaden, Germany
2013   The Views, Zachęta National Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2013   Reflection Centre for Suspended Histories. An Attempt, The Venice Biennale, The Romanian Institute for Culture and Humanistic Research, Venice, Italy
2013   The Stranger, Alternative Space Loop, Seoul, South Korea
2013   Present/Presence, Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, Holland
2013   Uncertain places, Knoll Gallery, Vienna, Austria
2013   Workers of the Artworld Unite, Centre for Contemporary Ary Kronika, Bytom, Poland
2012   Artificiality, Archeology of Photography Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2012   It’s time for Sneakers, Künstlerhaus, Dortmund, Germany
2012   Enclave, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
2011   Otulina, Kordegarda Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2011   Young Polish Artists on Tour, Uqbar Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2010   Homo Ars Erotica, National Museum, Warsaw, Poland
2010   Open City Festival, city space, Lublin, Poland

2008   Red Eye Effect, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
Polsk kvinnodagbok, Konsert&Kongress, Uppsala, Sweden
2008   Pętle czasu, Festiwal Józefa Robakowskiego, Łodź, Poland
2008   Samsung Art Master, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
Power, Museum of Cinematography, Łódź, Poland
Poza, Real Artways, Hartford, USA
2006   Love and Democracy, Centre for Contemporary Art Łaźnia, Gdańsk, Poland
2004   Biennale of Young European Art Supermarket Sztuki, Warsaw, Poland
Love and Democracy, Art Poznań, Poznań, Poland From Targowa to Złota, Warsaw, Poland
2001   Tretton, GFU diploma graduation exhibition, Galleri 5, Stckholm, Sweden


2023    8 early films, Fotoaura Institute of Photography, Tainan, Taipei
2023    Living Room under the Flyover, European Media Art Festival, Osnabruck, Germany
The Tower and Living Room under the FlyoverTFAI, Taipei, Taiwan
Dust, Rencontres Internationales, Berlin, France
Dust, Rencontres Internationales, Paris, France
Squere, FILMPOLSKA Film Festival, Belin, Germany
Dust, HERdocs, Warsaw, Poland
2020    Squere, South Taiwan Film Festival, Taiwan
Squere, Alchemy Festival, Hawick, Scotland
Squere, Images Festival, Toronto, Canada
Fire-Followers, Muzeum Współczesne, Wrocław, Poland
2018   Who’s There, Gdańska Galeria Miejska, Gdańsk, Poland
2017   The Tower, Koszalin Film Festival, Poland
2017   Office for Monument Construction, FILMPOLSKA Film Festival, Belin, Germany
2017   The Tower, Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival, Hawick, Scotland
2017   Photophobia and Office for Monumnet Construction, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
2017   Photophobia, Palazzina Reale, Florence, Italy
2017   Office for Monumnet Construction, Zachęta National Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2016   The Tower, FidMarseille Film Festival, Marseille, France
2016   Office for Monumnet Construction, Gdynia Film Festival, Poland
2016   The Tower, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
2016   The Offence, Kyiv International Short Film festival, Ukraine
2016   Office for Monumnet Construction, Glasgow Film Theatre, Scotland
2016   The Offence, She Devil, Leipzig, Germany
2015   The Tower (work-in-progress), Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art, Göteborg, Sweden
2015   Zupa, Viennacontemporary Filmprogram, Vienna, Austria
2015   The Soup and Fire-Followers, Meet Factory, Prague, Czech Republic
2014   Fire-Followers, The Filmmaking Turn, Akbank Sanat Istanbul, Turkey
2014   The Soup, Knoll Gallery, Vienna, Austria
2014   The Offence, Artists’ Film Biennial, ICA, London, UK
2014   The Soup, TR Warszawa, Warsaw, Poland
2014   Fire-Followers, Hot Docs Film Festival, Toronto, Canada
2014   Fire-Followers, Kino Piast, Cieszyn, Poland
2013   Fire-Followers, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
2013   Fire-Followers, New Horizons Film Festival, Wrocław, Poland
2013   Fire-Followers, Alternativa, Wyspa Institute of Art, Gdańsk, Poland
2013   Fire-Followers, National Museum, Cracow, Poland
2013   Fire-Followers, Artist Village, Genk, Belgium
2013   The Offence, Crosstalk Videoart Festival, Toldi, Budapest, Hungary
2013   The Offence, Workshops of Culture, Lublin, Poland


2023   Grant for Media Art of the Stiftung Niedersachsen, Edith-Russ Haus
EMAF Media Art Prize of the Association of German Film Critics for The Living Room under the Flyover, European Media Art Festival
 Citizen Tainan Award for The Living Room under the Flyover, South Taiwan Film Festival
Jantar 2017 for the script of The Tower
Golden Claw, Gdynia Film Festival for Office for Monument Construction
Videobrasil prize for Fire-Followers
Views 2013 – 2nd prize
2013   UNESCO scholarship
2013   Młoda Polska Scholarship
2013   Visegrad Fond Scholarship
2012   Ministry of Culture Scholarship
2012   Nomination for Przeciąg 2012
2009   The One Minutes Poland – 1st and 3rd prize
2008    Samsung Art Master – 3rd prize for Video Camera


2023   Institute for Urban Research, Malmö University, Sweden
2022   Artlink, Buncrana, Ireland
2019   Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
2018   OCAT, Shenzhen, China
Soulangh Artist Village, Tainan, Taiwan
Tokyo Wonder Site, Tokyo, Japan
Taipei Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan
Villa Romana, Florence, Italy
2014   KulturKontakt, Vienna, Austria
Residency Unlimited, New York, USA
2013   Budapest Art Quarter, Budapest, Hungary
2013   National Museum for Contemporary Art, Changdong Art Studio, Seul, S-Korea
2012   Objectifs, Centre for Photography and Filmmaking, Singapore


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