film, 61’10”

12,41 kilometres is a film made in collaboration with postwomen and postmen. The story addresses the problem of delivering letters in the hottest months of the year. The film script was written together with Anna Nowak and Lech Tylkowski based on their own work experiences. The roles of five people delivering letters were played by postmen and postwomen. The lead actress of the film is Anna Nowak, most of the film footage was shot during her working days. The film was made in July and August 2023, when the global average air temperature reached a record high, the highest since 1850, the year we have been keeping statistics. During these two months, Anna covered an average of 12.41 kilometres a day on foot as she worked.

The film was made for exhibition The Cold Days art Over curated by Wanda Kaczor, Konrad Schiller, Marta Żakowska. It was commissioned by Muzeum Woli for Warsaw Under Construction festival.

Main cast: Anna Nowak, Olena Sokurenko, Natasza KIm-Skotarenko, Bogdan Świrski, Lech Tylkowski
Written by: Karolina Breguła in collaboration with Anna Nowak and Lech Tylkowski
Cinematography: Robert Mleczko
Sound recording: Piotr Bruch & Kamil Becker
Sound postproduction: Weronika Raźna
Editing: Stefan Paruch
Production director: Krystyna Julia Brodowska
Production: Muzeum Woli



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