web project and performances

Art Translation Agency was an online agency for interpreting art. It could be contacted by anyone who found it difficult to understand a gallery exhibition. They agency suggested interpretations that frequently differed from those formulated by artists and curators. As a result, every work could be treated as an open-ended form which opened up to various explanations and thus invited the viewer to co-create its meanings. By introducing new interpretations, different from those sanctioned by institutions, Art Translation Agency intended to stir confusion on the ‘information market’ of meanings of contemporary artists’ works.

Art Translation Agency organised  performative guided tours of art shows, which mark a continuation of Art Translation Agency. Initially, the tours were held without prior arrangement with the institutions and viewers – they were addressed to random visitors, unaware of participating in ‘guerrilla’ artistic actions. The tours were also led by some of the translators collaborating with Art Translation Agency: Przemysław Gulda, Katarzyna Kazimierowska and Wiktor Rusin.



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