from 2016

Instruments for Making Noise are made of remnants of exhibitions collected in galleries and museums as well as waste from the production of artworks found in artists’ studios. The objects can be rented out for demonstrations – in such case, they are replaced at the gallery with a note concerning the loan, which bears testimony to social engagement. Instruments for Making Noise mark a symbolic transformation of something that used to be art into a tool of political activity. They concern the questions of the usefulness of art, artists’ involvement in the social and political situation as well as the status of artistic ‘waste’.
Karolina Breguła also organises concerts using the instruments, for instance, in the door of the Arsenał Gallery in Białystok – a meaningful point of contact between the gallery and the outside world, thus emphasising the need to go out and participate in public life beyond the walls of art institutions.

Alice Hui-Sheng Chang & Nigel Brown improvising on Instruments For Making Noise, Tainan 2017



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